ROBN asks Oak Bay Council for more action and better communication

In front of a packed public gallery Jan. 15, ReconciliACTION Oak Bay Network (ROBN) representatives Felicite Stairs (Oak Bay United Church) and Bruce Kilpatrick (Community Association of Oak Bay) told Oak Bay Council that their network of 12 community organizations was concerned  about the apparent lack of action on the number of Reconciliation-related motions and announcements from Oak Bay Council over the past three years. 
They made two requests: 
(i) that Council create a Select Committee on Truth and Reconciliation to get the Community and Council working together effectively on an Oak Bay Reconciliation Action Plan,  and 
(ii) that Council communicate quarterly with the Community about the status of and progress on its Reconciliation-related motions and initiatives.
Council members were also invited to support and participate in a Community Conversation on Truth and Reconciliation for Community leaders and youth that ROBN is organizing this year.
Most Council members responded positively. ROBN will now be looking for action to follow.  
View the District of Oak Bay’s recording of the Jan. 15 Council meeting (The ROBN presentation begins at 17:39. Council comments and Q & A follow.)